Curriculum Vitae of Mario Salerno


Born in Salerno, Italy, on April 4 1955, Mario Salerno studied at the University of Salerno, where he took the degree in Physics (Laurea with laude) on July 18 1978. In the year 1983 he won the competition for University Researcher (permanent position) of Theoretical Physics at the University of Salerno. He held this position from 16.10.1983 till 31.10.1992.

In the year 1992 he became Associate Professor of Condensed Matter Physics by winning a National Competition. He is presently a Professor of Solid State Physics with the full time option, at the Faculty of Science of the University of Salerno, Italy.

The candidate has worked in the following institutions:

The candidate is an official referee of the following journals: Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A, Physical Review B, Physical Review E, Journal of Physics A, Physics Letters A, Physica A, Physica D, Physica Scripta.




The candidate has participated as invited speaker to many national ed international conferences, several times as member of the Scientific Committee. These include:

He has done research activity in the following areas:

  1. Fluxon's dynamics in Josephson junctions;

  2. Solitons and shock waves in molecular chains;

  3. Quantum lattice models and strongly correlated Fermi systems;

  4. Integrability and chaos in classical and quantum systems.

1  Fluxon's dynamics in Josephson junctions.

In this field the candidate investigated the nonlinear phenomena arising in the field of the Josephson effect. In particular, the dynamics of quanta of magnetic flux (fluxons) inside Josephson junctions has been largely investigated. In papers [1,5] the reflection problem of fluxons on dissipative loads of Josephson oscillators has been studied. An analytical expression for the radiation emitted by the fluxon during the reflections was derived. In the set of papers [2,3,8,18,39] the effects of thermal fluctuations on fluxon's motion of the driven and damped sine-Gordon system in contact with a thermal bath, has been investigated. In particular, it has been shown that at thermal equilibrium the average kinetic energy of the fluxon is equal to KT/2 while the phonons carry an energy of KT per mode, in agreement with results of classical Statistical Mechanics. This analysis allowed to obtain in Ref [3] an analytical expression for the linewidth of a Josephson oscillator which is in good agreement with experimental results (this paper has about 70 citations in the Citation Index). In the work [18] the effects of the thermal fluctuations on fluxon's dynamics was further investigated in the case of dissipative terms of more general nature.

In the series of works [24,29,30,35,37,P5-P7] the phase locking problem of fluxons in long Josephson junctions has been considered. In particular, in [24,30] the theory of phase locking has been developed for junctions of inline and overlap geometry. It was shown that in both cases the phenomenon of phase locking can be reduced to the study of a two dimensional map for the time of flight and for the velocity of the fluxons inside the junction. This result allowed to account for all the experimental facts known on the phenomenon as well as to predict new effects. In the works [29,41], the existence of chaotic phenomena in long Josephson junctions induced by the phase locking dynamics was predicted. The developed theory of phase locking was also confirmed by a direct comparison with direct simulations on the sine-Gordon system, as reported in the works [55,P7]. In the group of papers [35,45,53] the problem of chaos suppression in Josephson junctions by means of external periodic signals was considered. In particular in [35] it was shown that the addition of a small sub-harmonic component to the rf signal allows to stabilize the phase locking dynamics and suppress the deterministic chaos in the middle of the rf induced steps in the current-voltage (I-V) characteristic. As remarked at the end of work [35], and demonstrated in [45] for a PDE system, the approach to "chaos suppression" by means of periodic signals is of more general validity with respect to the context in which has been derived (can be applied to all systems which exhibit a transition to chaos via period doubling). This idea was independently introduced also by Braiman e Goldhirsch in Phys.Rev.Lett. 66, 2545 (1991) (note however that the submission date of this paper is successive to the one of the candidate of about 6 months). In the paper [46] the existence of localized soliton solutions on top of rotating backgrounds induced by external magnetic fields was proved. In particular, it was demonstrated that such solutions can exist only if the background is phase-locked to the external field. In the work [63] the phase locking of fluxons in presence of spatial inhomogeneities was considered and an analytical expression for the locking range in current as a function of the parameters of the system was derived.

In the set of papers [69,71,72,C2] the theory of the Josephson flux flow oscillator was developed. In the paper [69] an analytical expression for the I-V characteristic of the flux-flow oscillator was derived and shown to be in good agreement both with real experiments and with numerical simulations. The theory has been generalized to the case of external microwave fields applied to the junction both uniformly [71] and non uniformly [72]. As an interesting result it was shown that the satellite steps around the main flux-flow resonance in the I-V characteristic of the oscillator are spaced differently depending on the type of coupling realized. In particular, for microwave fields applied uniformly to the junction, the steps are spaced by multiples of the external frequency while in case of nonuniform rf fields (applied at the edges of the junction) they are spaced only by even multiples of the external frequency. This theoretical prediction were recently confirmed by real experiments.

2  Solitons and shock waves in molecular chains

In this field the candidate has investigated the dynamical properties of one dimensional discrete systems which describe molecular chains. In the paper [43] he introduced a new discrete version of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS) (in the book Nonlinear Science, Oxford University Press, 1999, by A.C. Scott this is reported as "Salerno's equation"). From a physical point of view it represents a nonlinear generalization of the tight-binding Schrödinger model for the dynamics of a quasiparticle in a molecular crystal, with the nonlinear terms modeling the interaction of the quasiparticle with the lattice. Among the interesting properties of this equation there is the fact that it is a q-deformation of the usual discrete, non integrable, version of the NLS, which reduce, for a particular value of the deformation parameter to the integrable discrete version. In the work [49] the modulational instability of Salerno's equation has been studied, while in [56] it has been demonstrated that the presence of an electrical field in the system induces spatial oscillations of the soliton which give rise to dynamical localization. This result suggests an interesting analogy between the soliton dynamics and the one of an electron moving in a perfect crystal in presence of electric fields (Bloch oscillations). In the paper [56] it has been shown that Bloch oscillations of a soliton in such system are possible also in the presence of time dependent electric fields. In [61] the interaction of solitons with electric fields and impurity centers (both of dissipative and conservative nature), has been investigated. In particular, it was shown that depending on the intensity of the impurity, the soliton can be either pinned or executing oscillations around the impurity leading to the dynamical localization phenomenon.

The existence of shock waves in discrete systems such as chains of two-level atoms, Heisenberg ferromagnets, nonlinear Schrödinger chains, etc., has been investigated. In particular, in the work [64] the existence of solitons of bright and dark type in Salerno's equation have been considered. The stability regions of these solutions have been studies as a function of the parameters of the system, finding, quite surprisingly, that on the borders of these regions anomalous dispersion is possible leading to shock waves formation. In the papers [65,P12] the dynamics of these shocks have been characterized as a function of the background wave-number inside the Brillouin zone. It was shown that shock waves with rectangular wave front followed by a train of solitons and by background radiation, can exist. In [66] this analysis was extended to chains of two-level atoms in the presence of exchange and dipole-dipole interaction describing Frenkel excitons. In particular it was found that the exchange interaction helps the formation of the shocks (both of bright and dark type) while the dipole-dipole interaction works against it, making unstable the background field. The possibility of shock waves in anisotropic Heisenberg quantum chains was investigated in [70]. The analysis has been done by using the coherent state representation and the stationary phase approximation to derive quasiclassical equation of motion. It was shown that in this approximation values of the anisotropy parameter exist for which anomalous dispersion and shock wave formation is possible. From a physical point of view these shock waves separate different magnetization regions and therefore are relevant for the formation magnetic domains. This analysis has been extended to the case of the pure quantum regime in [75].

In [12] a mechanical model for a class of "multiple" sine-Gordon equations was introduced and the quasi-soliton solution of the double sine-Gordon system investigated. In particular, in the papers [19,20] the anharmonicity effects in the small oscillations around the 4p-kink solutions of the double sine-Gordon system were considered. In the papers [4,11,14] it has been investigated, both from an analytical and numerical point of view, the effect of adiabatic perturbations on the sine-Gordon system.

The set of papers [38,40,54,C1,P10] has been devoted to the propagation of nonlinear excitations on DNA molecules. In [38] a nonlinear model of DNA which accounts for the specificity of the base sequences and which suggests a link between dynamics and functioning of DNA, has been proposed. Using this model the candidate has investigated the dynamical properties of specific bases sequences known as promoters, suggesting a possible role of these in the process of genetic activation. In [54] the dynamical properties are explained in terms of an effective potential for the coordinates of such excitations. In [C1], the dynamics of plasmide pBr322 (a ring of DNA with about 5000 bases) has been studied and the existence of dynamically active sites in the promoter regions has been found, this being in good agreement with experimental results.

3  Quantum lattice models and strongly correlated Fermi systems

In this field the candidate has studied several quantum lattice models of physical interest. In the papers [42-44,47] a method to study bosonic systems on the lattice which in the continuum limit reduce to the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS) (or its generalizations), was considered. In [50], this method was used to construct basis functions for bosonic hamiltonians which are invariant both under the permutation group and under the group U(1) and in [52] applied to a system of q-bosons. For this system, it was possible to show the existence, in the mean field approximation, of a Bose-Einstein condensation. This result represents a first example of Bose-Einstein condensation in a system of q-bosons. A group theoretical method for exact diagonalizations of strongly correlated Fermi systems of interest for high Tc superconductivity, such as the Hubbard model, was also developed. In the set of papers [57-59,P11], basis functions for Fermi systems invariant under the permutation group and under SU(2), were constructed. Using these functions, it was possible to give an exact solution of the Hubbard model with unconstrained hopping for arbitrary number of lattice sites. The ground state of this system was characterized as a function of the electronic filling. In particular, it was shown in [57] that below half filling the ground state is always a singlet or a doublet (depending on the number of sites), while above half filling (work [59]) ferromagnetic ground states can exist for arbitrary values of the Coulomb repulsion. These ferromagnetic ground states, except for the case immediately above half filling which is always non degenerate and maximally ferromagnetic, are degenerate with respect to the total spin of the system. In the work [60] this method has been generalized to electronic systems with next neighbor hopping on bipartite lattices with SO(4) symmetry, allowing an exact diagonalization of the Hubbard chain with finite number of sites. In the papers [67-68] the link between the SO(4) symmetry of the Hubbard model in one dimension and the Bethe states constructed with the Bethe ansatz, has been studied. For Hubbard chains of finite length a unitary transformation between the highest-lowest weight vectors of SO(4) and regular Bethe states, has been found. This transformation implies a shifting relation among the matrix elements of the Hamiltonianan which simplify the study of the spectral properties as a function of the electronic filling.

4  Integrability and Chaos in classical and quantum systems

In this field the integrability and the ergodic properties of classical and quantum systems, both with finite and infinite degrees of freedom, were studied.

In the papers[6,7,9,10,P1, A1], the integrability problem was considered from a geometrical point of view. In particular, it was shown that the existence of an infinite set of conservation laws, as well as the existence of an Hamiltonian structure, are consequences of the existence of an invariant tensor field on the phase manifold. This analysis was done for soliton equations like KdV, sine-Gordon etc. and for dissipative systems like Burgers equation. The integrability structure has been studied in details also in terms of Lax pairs. In [51] it was shown that among the three known cases of integrability of the Henon-Heiles system, two are connected by a canonical transformation. In the work [62] a method which allows to find non trivial Lax pairs for separable, multi-periodic, dynamical systems on two tori, was proposed. Among the physical problems which can be treated by this method there are: the dynamics of a charged particle in a Coulomb potential and in presence of an external field, the Henon-Heiles model and the Chaplygin top.

In [32,33] the Quantum Inverse Scattering Method (algebraic Bethe Ansatz) has been applied to a discrete version of the non linear Schrödinger equation and results compared with those obtained by methods based on the symmetry properties of the system [P8]. From this comparison emerged the possibility the express the energy spectrum by means of symmetric functions of the Bethe equation solutions. In [36] it was shown that this result is valid for all models which can be solved via Bethe Ansatz.

In the set of papers [23,25-28,34,P4,P9,A2] the ergodic properties of quantum systems have been studied. In particular in [23,25] it was shown that the level distribution of the quantum self-trapping system (DST) follows the Poisson or the Wigner statistics depending on whether the corresponding classical limit is integrable or completely chaotic. Moreover, the hypothesis of Berry and Robnick on the level distribution for systems with a mixed phase space has been verified. In [34] this analysis was extended to the case of systems which in the classical limit exhibit the phenomenon of Arnold diffusion, while in the papers [28,P4] the problem of quantum chaos for the DST equation has been considered in terms of the Wigner functions of the Hamiltonian eigenstates. In the study of the ergodic properties of quantum systems an important role is played by the unstable periodic orbits of the corresponding classical system. To this end, in [31], a method which allows to determine the unstable periodic orbits of one dimensional chaotic maps was introduced. This algorithm is based on suitable continuous dynamics whose stationary points are in correspondence with the unstable orbits of the map. This approach can be generalized to the case of maps with higher dimensions for which a quantum description can be given.

The candidate has also investigated, both from the analytical and numerical point of view, the problem of the phase transition from regular to chaotic behavior which is observed in many physical systems. In particular, in [13] the transition to chaos observed in the double sine-Gordon system was studied by means of the Menlikov method. In [21,22] the chaotic behavior of breather-kink (antikink) solutions of the sine-Gordon system was analyzed by using an appropriate finite-dimensional reduced system. It was shown, in [22], that the existence of a separatrix in the reduced phase space can be a possible source of chaos for the infinite-dimensional system. In the set of papers [16,17,P2,P3] the transition chaos-order-chaos for the classical discrete self trapping (DST) equation was investigated. This analysis revealed the possibility of having very sharp order to chaos transitions, as well as the existence, in the parameter space, of order windows in regions characterized by a chaotic behavior.

The theory of dynamical systems was applied to the analysis of experimental data. In particular, in the work [48] the seismic signals released from the area of "Campi Flegrei" (Naples, Italy) was studied by means of the correlation dimension technique for the reconstruction of the phase space from a time serie.


[1] Mario Salerno,
Reflection of fluxons on a Josephson line from a perturbative point of view, Phys. Lett. A87, 116-120 (1981).

[2] M.Salerno and A.C.Scott,
Linewidth for fluxons oscillators,
Phys. Rev. B26, 2474-2480 (1982).

[3] E.Joergensen, V.P.Koshelets, R.Monaco, J.Mygind, M.Salerno, and M.R.Samuelsen, Thermal fluctuations in resonant motion of fluxons on a Josephson transmission line: Theory and Experiment,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 1093-1096 (1982).

[4] Mario Salerno, M.P.Soerensen, O.Skovgaard, P.L.Christiansen,
Perturbation theories for sine-Gordon soliton dynamics,
Wave Motion 5, 49-58 (1983).

[5] O.H.Olsen, M.Salerno, M.R.Samuelsen,
Fluxon reflection at loaded terminations of long Josephson junctions,
Physica D8, 267-272 (1983).

[6] S.De Filippo, G.Marmo, M.Salerno, G.Vilasi,
Phase manifold geometry of Burgers hierarchy,
Lett. Nuovo Cimento 37, 105-110 (1983).

[7] S.De Filippo, M.Salerno,
A geometrical approach to discretization of nonlinear integrable evolution equations: I Burgers hierarchy,
Phys. Lett. A101, 75-80 (1984).

[8] M.Salerno, E.Joergensen, M.R.Samuelsen,
Phonons and solitons in the thermal sine-Gordon system,
Phys. Rev. B30, 2635-2639 (1984).

[9] S.De Filippo, G.Marmo, G.Vilasi and M.Salerno,
A new characterization of completely integrable systems,
Il Nuovo Cimento B83, 97-112 (1984).

[10] S.De Filippo, M.Salerno, G.Vilasi,
A geometrical approach to integrability of soliton equations,
Lett. Math. Phys. 9, 85-91 (1985).

[11] M.Salerno, M.R.Samuelsen, P.S.Lomdhal, O.H.Olsen,
Non dissipative perturbations in the sine-Gordon system,
Phys. Lett. A108, 241-244 (1985).

[12] Mario Salerno,
A mechanical analog for the double sine-Gordon equation,
Physica D17, 227-234 (1985).

[13] M.Bartuccelli, N.F.Pedersen, M.Salerno and P.LChristiansen,
Horseshoe chaos in the space independent double sine-Gordon system, Wave Motion 8, 581-594 (1986).

[14] S.Pagano, M.Salerno, M.R.Samuelsen,
Parametric adiabatic perturbation on the sine-Gordon breather solution,
Physica D26, 396-402 (1987).

[15] Mario Salerno,
On the phase manifold geometry of the 2-dimensional Burgers equation,
Phys. Lett. A121, 15-18 (1987).

[16] S.De Filippo, M.Fusco Girard, M.Salerno,
Lyapunov exponents for the n=3 Discrete Self-Trapping Equation,
Physica D26, 411-414 (1987).

[17] S.De Filippo, M.Fusco Girard, M.Salerno,
Numerical evidence of a sharp order window in a hamiltonian system,
Physica D29, 421-426 (1988).

[18] M.Salerno, H.Svensmark, M.R.Samuelsen,
The thermal sine-Gordon system in the presence of different types of dissipations,
Phys. Rev. B38, 593-596 (1988).

[19] M.Salerno, M.R.Samuelsen,
Normal modes in a solitary wave solution to a double sine-Gordon equation,
Phys. Lett. A128, 424-426 (1988).

[20] M.Salerno, M.R.Samuelsen,
Internal oscillation frequencies and anharmonic effects for the double sine-Gordon kink,
Phys. Rev. B39, 4500-4503 (1989).

[21] Mario Salerno,
Reduced sine-Gordon breather-(anti)kink dynamics and the double sine Gordon system,
Phys. Lett. A134, 421-423 (1989).

[22] A.R.Bishop, D.W.McLaughlin and M.Salerno,
Global coordinates for the breather-kink(antikink) sine-Gordon phase space: An explicit separatrix as a possible source of chaos,
Phys. Rev. A40, 6463-6469 (1989).

[23] S.De Filippo, M.Fusco Girard, M.Salerno,
Avoided crossing and next neighbor level spacings for the quantum DST equation,
Nonlinearity 2, 477-487 (1989).

[24] M.Salerno, M.R.Samuelsen, G.Filatrella, S.Pagano, R.D.Parmentier,
A simple map describing phase locking of fluxon oscillations in long Josephson tunnel junctions,
Phys. Lett. A137, 75-78 (1989).

[25] L.Cruseiro-Hansom, H.Feddersen, R.Flash, M.Salerno, P.L.Christiansen and A.C.Scott,
Classical and Quantum Analysis of Chaos in the Discrete Self Trapping Equation,
Phys. Rev B42, 522 (1990).

[26] H.Feddersen, R.Flash, M.Salerno and P.L.Christiansen,
Comment on "Theory of the Liapunov exponents of Hamiltonian systems and a numerical study on the transition from regular to irregular classical motion",
Jou. Chem. Phys. 92, 2117 (1990).

[27] S.De Filippo, M.Salerno,
A Generalised Discrete Self Trapping equation as a model for Quantum Chaology,
Phys. Lett. A142, 479 (1989).

[28] S.De Filippo, M.Fusco Girard, M.Salerno,
Semiclassical analysis of the eigenstate Wigner functions for the Discrete Self Trapping equation,
Phys. Lett. A146, 313 (1990).

[29] Mario Salerno,
Phase-locking chaos in long Josephson junctions,
Phys. Lett. A144, 453 (1990).

[30] M.Salerno,M.R.Samuelsen,G.Filatrella,S.Pagano, R.D.Parmentier,
Microwave phase locking of Josephson-junction fluxon oscillators,
Phys. Rev. B41, 6641 (1990).

[31] S.De Filippo, M.Salerno,
On a general procedure to evaluate unstable periodic orbits,
Phys. Lett. A153,173 (1991).

[32] V.Z.Enol'skii, M.Salerno, N.A. Kostov, A.C.Scott,
Alternate Quantizations of the Discrete self-Trapping Dimer
Physica Scripta 43, 229 (1991).

[33] M.Salerno, A.C.Scott
Quantum theories for two discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equations,
Nonlinearity 4, 853 (1991).

[34] H.Feddersen, P.L.Christiansen, M.Salerno,
Quantum Chaology in the Discrete Self-Trapping equation in the presence of Arnold diffusion
Physica Scripta 43, 353-355 (1991).

[35] Mario Salerno,
Suppression of phase-locking chaos in long Josephson junctions by biharmonic microwave fields,
Phys. Rev. B44, 2720 (1991).

[36] V.Enol'skii , M.Salerno,
On the calculation of the energy spectrum of quantum integrable systems,
Phys. Lett. A155, 121-125 (1991).

[37] M.Salerno , M.R.Samuelsen,
Long Josephson junctions phase locked to microwaves by different couplings,
Phys. Lett. A156 293 (1991).

[38] Mario Salerno,
Discrete model for DNA promoters dynamics,
Phys. Rev. A44, 5292-5297 (1991).

[39] N.Gronbech-Jensen, M.Salerno, M.R.Samuelsen,
Effect of thermal noise on the phase-locking of a Josephson fluxon oscillator,
Phys. Rev. B46, 308-316 (1991).

[40] Mario Salerno,
Dynamical properties of DNA promoters,
Phys. Lett. A167, 49-53 (1992).

[41] Mario Salerno,
Lyapunov exponent analysis of fluxon oscillations in long Josephson junctions,
Phys. Lett. A160, 419-423 (1992).

[42] Mario Salerno,
A new method to solve the quantum Ablowitz-Ladik system,
Phys. Lett. A162, 381-384 (1992).

[43] Mario Salerno,
Quantum deformations of the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation,
Phys. Rev. A46, 6856-6859 (1992).

[44] V.Z. Enol'skii, M.Salerno, A.C.Scott and J.C.Eilbeck
There is more than one way to skin Schrödinger's cat
Physica D53, 1-24 (1992).

[45] G.Filatrella, G.Rotoli, and M.Salerno,
Suppression of chaos in the perturbed sine-Gordon system by weak periodic signals
Phys. Lett. A178, 81-84 (1993).

[46] N.Gronbech-Jensen, Y.S.Kivshar, M.Salerno
Solitons on oscillating and rotating backgrounds,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 3181-3184, (1993).

[47] V.Z.Enol'skii, V.B.Kuznetsov and M.Salerno
On the Quantum Inverse Scattering Method for the DST dimer,
Physica D68, 138-152 (1993).

[48] C.Godano, M.Salerno,
The chaoticity degree of the Campi Flegrei seismicity, Southern Italy,
Geophys. J. Int. 114, 392-398 (1993).

[49] Y.Kivshar, M.Salerno,
Modulational instability in the discrete deformable nonlinear Schrödinger equation,
Phys. Rev. E49, 3543-3546 (1994).

[50] M.Salerno, J.C. Eilbeck,
General method to solve Hamiltonians with infinite range interactions,
Phys. Rev. A50, 553-556 (1994).

[51] M.Salerno, V.Z.Enol'skii, D.Leykin,
Canonical transformation between integrable Henon-Heiles systems,
Phys. Rev. E49, 5897-5899 (1994).

[52] Mario Salerno,
Bose-Einstein condensation in a system of q-bosons,
Phys. Rev. E50, 4528-4530 (1994).

[53] M.Salerno, M.R.Samuelsen,
Stabilization of chaotic phase locked dynamics in long Josephson junctions, Phys. Lett. A190, 177-181 (1994).

[54] M.Salerno,Y.S.Kivshar,
DNA promoters and nonlinear dynamics,
Phys. Lett. A193, 263-266 (1994).

[55] N.Gronbech-Jensen, M.Salerno, M.R.Samuelsen,
Relaxation toward phase locked dynamics in long Josephson junctions, Phys. Rev. B51, 15613-15616 (1995).

[56] D.Cai,N.Gronbech-Jensen,A.R.Bishop, M.Salerno,
Electric-field-induced nonlinear Bloch oscillations and dynamical localization,
Phys.Rev.Lett. 74, 1186-1189 (1995).

[57] Mario Salerno,
The Hubbard model on a complete graph: Exact Analytical results, Zeitschrift fur Physik B99, 469-471 (1996).

[58] Mario Salerno,
Exact analytical solutions of the Hubbard model with unconstrained hopping, Physica Scripta 54, 32-35 (1996).

[59] Mario Salerno,
Ferromagnetic ground states of the Hubbard model on a complete graph, Zeitschrift fur Physik B101, 619-621 (1996)

[60] Mario Salerno,
SO(4) invariant basis functions for strongly correlated Fermi systems, Phys. Lett. A217, 268-273 (1996).

[61] V.I. Konotop, D. Cai, M.Salerno, A.R. Bishop and N. Gr onbech-Jensen
Interaction of a soliton with point impurities in an inhomogeneous discrete nonlinear Schrödinger system, Phys. Rev. E53, 6476 (1996).

[62] V.Z.Enolskii, M.Salerno,
Lax representation for two-particle dynamics splitting on two tori, J. Phys. A17, L425-431 (1996).

[63] G. Filatrella, B. Malomed, R.D.Parmentier and M.Salerno,
Phase locking of fluxons in spatially inhomogeneous Josephson junctions, Phys. Lett. A228, 250-255 (1997).

[64] V.I. Konotop, M.Salerno,
Small-amplitude excitations in a deformable discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Phys. Rev. E55, 4706-4712 (1997).

[65] V.I. Konotop, M.Salerno,
Dark and bright shock waves in the generalized discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation,
Phys. Rev. E56, 3611-3618 (1997).

[66] V.I. Konotop, M.Salerno, S.Takeno,
Shock waves in a chain of two-level atoms with exchange and dipole-dipole interactions
Phys. Rev. E56, 7240-7245 (1997).

[67] Mario Salerno,
On regular Bethe states and SO(4) invariance of the 1D Hubbard model,
Phys. Lett. A236, 206-210 (1997).

[68] Mario Salerno,
On the link between SO(4) invariance and Bethe states of the 1D Hubbard model,
Physica D119, 200-204 (1998)

[69] M.Cirillo, N.Gronbech-Jensen, M.R.Samuelsen, M.Salerno, G.Verona Rinati,
Fiske modes and Eck steps in long Josephson junctions: Theory and experiments,
Phys. Rev. B58, 12377 (1998).

[70] V.I. Konotop, M.Salerno, S.Takeno,
Shock waves in the one dimensional Heisenberg ferromagnet,
Phys. Rev. B58, 14892 (1998).

[71] M.Salerno and M.R.Samuelsen,
Phase Locking and Flux Flow Resonances in Josephson Oscillators driven by homogeneous microwave fields,
Phys. Rev. B59, 14653-14658 (1999).

[72] M.Salerno and M.R.Samuelsen,
Josephson flux-flow oscillators in non uniform microwave fields,
Phys. Rev. B 61, (2000) 99-102.

[73] V.B.Kutznetsov, M. Salerno, and E.K.Sklyanin,
Quantum Backlund transformations for the integrable DST model,
J.Phys. A 33, (2000) 171-189.

[74] A. Pankratov and M. Salerno,
Parametric stochastic resonance in a bistable system with periodically driven barrier,
Phys. Rev E 61, (2000) 1206.

[75] V. Popkov and M. Salerno,
Quantum shock waves in the Heisenberg XY model,
Phys. Rev B 62, (2000) 352.

[76] S. De Filippo and M. Salerno,
Spectral properties of a model potential for quantum dots with smooth boundaries,
Phys. Rev B 62, (2000) 4230-4233.

[77] M. Barbi and Mario Salerno,
Phase locking and current reversals in deterministic ratchets,
Phys. Rev E 62, (2000) 1988-1994.

[78] A. Pankratov and M. Salerno,
Resonant activation phenomenon in overdamped periodically driven systems with noise,
Phys. Lett. A 273 (2000) 162-166.

[79] M.Salerno, B. Malomed and V.V. Konotop,
Shock waves in a dissipative discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation,
Phys. Rev. E 62, 2000 (in press).

[80] M. Salerno, S.De Filippo, E.Tufino, and V.Z. Enolskii,
Integrable systems on a sphere as models for quantum dots,
J. Phys. A 33, (2000) (in press).

[81] S. De Filippo, M. Salerno and V.Z. Enolskii,
Exact zero energy bound states of a model potential for quantum dots,
Phys.Lett.A 276 (2000) 240-244.

[82] E.Belokolos, J.C. Eilbeck, V.Z.Enolskii, M. Salerno,
Exact energy bands and Fermi surfaces of separable abelian potentials,
J. Phys. A, (accepted).


[83] U. Mortensen, M.R.Samuelsen, and Mario Salerno
Phase locking of Josephson flux-flow oscillators in nonuniform microwave fields,
Phys. Lett. A, 2000.

[84] Maria Barbi and Mario Salerno
Stabilization of ratchet dynamics by weak periodic signals,
Phys. Rev. E , 2000.


[P1] S.De Filippo, G.Marmo, M.Salerno, G.Vilasi,
Integrability of nonlinear field theories: phenomenology and geometry,
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[P2] S.De Filippo, M.Fusco Girard, M.Salerno,
Numerical Analysis of the Order-chaos-Order Transition of the N=3 Discrete Self Trapping Equation, in "Structure Choerence and Chaos", Manchester University Press, 633-637 (1987)

[P3] S.De Filippo, M.Fusco Girard, M.Salerno,
Lyapunov exponents analysis for the chaos-order transition of the discrete self-trapping equationin Ädvances on Phase Transitions and Disorder Phenomena" World Scientific Publishing Company, 505-515 (1987).

[P4] Mario Salerno,
Eigenvalue statistics and Eigenstate Wigner Functions for the Discrete Self Trapping Equation in "Davydov's Soliton Revised: Self Trapping of vibrational energy in proteins", (P.L Christiansen, A.C.Scott Eds.) NATO ASI Series B Physics Vol.243, Plenum Press, N.Y., 511-518 (1990).

[P5] S.Pagano, M.Salerno,
Phase locking of fluxon oscillations: Theory and Experiments in "Stimulated nonlinear effect in Josephson devices", (M.Russo et al. Eds.) World Scientific Publishing Company, 207-226 (1990).

[P6] M.Salerno , M.R.Samuelsen, Different microwave couplings to long Josephson junctions phase locked to a zero field step, in "Nonlinear Superconductive electronics and Josephson Devices", (N.F.Pedersen et al. eds.) Plenum Publishing Company (1991).

[P7] G.Filatrella, N.Gronbech, R.Monaco, S.Pagano, R.D.Parmentier, N.F.Pedersen, G.Rotoli,M.Salerno, and M.R.Samuelsen, Phase Locking of Fluxon Oscillations in Long Josephson Junctions in "Nonlinear Superconductive electronics and Josephson Devices", (N.F.Pedersen et al. eds.) Plenum Publishing Company (1991).

[P8] M.Salerno,
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[P9] P.L.Christiansen, L.Cruzeiro-Hansson, H.Feddersen, R.Flesh,
M.Salerno, and A.C.Scott, in
Classical and Quantum Mechanical Analysis of order and chaos in the Discrete Self-Trapping equation, (A.R.Bishop ed.) World Scientific Publishing Company (1991).

[P10] Mario Salerno,
A dynamical mechanism for genetic activation
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[P11] Mario Salerno,
Basis functions for strongly correlated fermi systems,
Proceedings della Conferenza "Coherent Structures in Physics and Biology" Edinburgh (1995), pubblicati sul WEB

[P12] M.Salerno,
Shock waves in the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation" in "New Perspectives in the Physics of Mesoscopic Systems", (S.De Martino et al. Eds.) World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 264-272 (1997).

[P13] M.Salerno,
Zero energy states for quantum dots model potentials in "Nonlinearity Integrability and all that: twenty years after needs '79", (M. Boiti et al. Eds.), World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 515-522 (2000).


[C1] Mario Salerno,
Nonlinear dynamics of plasmid pBR322 promoters, Chap. 10 of "Nonlinear Excitations in Biomolecules" (M.Peyrard ed.), Edition de Physique, Springer, 147-153 (1995).

[C2] M.Salerno and M.R.Samuelsen, Flux-flow Josephson oscillators, Chap. 4 of the book: Nonlinear Science at the Dawn of the 21st Century (P.L.Christiansen, M.P. Soerensen, A.C. Scott, Eds.), Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 542, Springer Verlag, (2000) 87-102.


[A1] S.De Filippo, G.Marmo, M.Salerno, G.Vilasi,
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[A2] Mario Salerno,
The Hubbard Model on a complete graph, ESI Series, preprint No 259, Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, 1995.

[A3] V.Popkov, V.Z.Enolskii and Mario Salerno,
Exactly solvable multi layered 3D model with competing interactions, preprint SNUTP 96-020, 1996.

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