Superconductive devices and fluctuation phenomena
Head: Sergio Pagano
Research Area: Superconduttivita', Sistemi fortemente correlati, Eterostrutture e loro applicazioni

Description:   Descrizione:
The Research Group Activity is devoted to two main areas

The first area is the development of innovative superconductive devices, and in particular devices based on

nanostrips. Such systems have demonstrated great capability as single photon detectors down to the IR

region of the spectrum and also as the core of new three terminal superconductive devices capable of

signal discrimination and amplification.

Applications investigated of such superconducting nanostrip devices are:

- Fast optical interfaces f (up to 10 Gbps ) for superconducting digital circuits ,

- Receivers sensitive to individual photons in the band of 1550 nm for applications in quantum optics and
secure telecommunications ,

- Optical circuits for Interfacing quantum computing as a technique of control and manipulation of the q -
bits having a low effect of decoherence .

- Time-resolved infrared spectroscopy .

- Infrared Astronomy

- Macromolecule mass spctroscopy .

The second area is the investigation of transport properties of advanced materials and devices through

noise spectroscopy. The investigated systems comprise high Tc superconductors, manganites, 2D electron

gas interfaces, metals, carbon nanotube composites, polymeric solar cells.

Spectral analysis of low frequency noise ( noise spectroscopy ) is a powerful tool to study the properties of

these materials, as it highlights the sources of intrinsic fluctuation of the transport properties, allowing to

shed light on the basic mechanisms at work and also to set the ultimate limits of achievable performance of

devices made from such materials.

Members (1)
Faculty: Carlo Barone (Associate Professor)